Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Corny Island Guest Post

So we , Justin(Jason) and I, Chuy(Jesus,JJ, Jose),
after traveling in Nica for a week
were super excited to go to see the girls and Jeremy in Corn Island .
Here is where the Odyssey begins...

Plane to Corn Island

The Reef on Corn Island

Landing on Corn Island

Oh Chrissy ....

What's the FIRST thing you do when you get to Corn?
Unpack and Go to the Beach

Jeremy's House. You can hear and see the ocean
from the porch

Ready to hit the beach

Long Bay beach

Looking for coconuts

Sea Urchin

National Flower

After swiming, going to get a Boli and hit the beach again...

Professional Synchronized Swimming
the next 3 images are supposed to be animated but
I cant get them to work. so if you know how let me know

Jumping off the Dock

Anyone else see a ghost in the pix?

Sitting around inside the KH after the beach

Getting ready for service

do bring one of these if you come... I forgot mine and have proof

Chrissy is all set with her fan

Meeting for Field Service

Corn Island Territory

OK...so my first door I have this little boy trying to get my attention as i'm doing my presentation for me to see his pet. It was such a cute monkey i had to take a picture of the boy with it. But THEN... Chrissy just HAD to go back to my call and see the monkey herself.
Sorry Chrissy. I heart you.

off to a great long day preaching

Another Boli break...

I forgot what these things are called but they are sour

Getting Done with preaching. Perfect spot to enjoy and rest a little

Lynette going in for a landing on the runway on the way home

Chrissy looking for books at the "literature counter" so we can go
for a study

Enjoying Honey Buns before study

on our way to the study

Getting distracted by her study's dog...Sorry Chrissy... again

View of sunset on our way back to the house from the study

Getting Ready for our fist ever "Jeremy's House of Fun" Dinner

Cooking fish over banana leaves. Then we had a massive
down pour, but we saved the food!

mmmmmm.....soooo delish

chillaxing after dinner


Studying for meeting at the beach...
this is how you learn the best

Doing a little laundry before meeting

Triple Treat...
We all got to help Issac with the meeting
He has conducted and done all meeting parts
for the last 4 years!!!! He gets to enjoy a little break and sit
with Laura.

Taking inventory of lit. English, Miskito, Spanish....and one bible in Italian?!?

Breakfast at Jeremy's house - Pancakes, eggs and coffee

fresh Pineapple
Hitting the beach after breakfast

Local sister cooked one mean meal for all of us...Curry with fresh coconut milk and bunuelo

We all have to sign lyn's corn island stick
Girls made us coffee and toast for our last breakfast as our
flight leave's literarly from across the street.
as you can see it was a late night...

Perfect End to an awesome Nica vist. Thanks guys for an amazing time!
Awesome preaching, food, and good friends. What else do we need?

See you soon. How'z it mum.....


Anonymous said...

Thanks Jesus for the great guest blog. What great times we all had!!


Anonymous said...

oh goodness...more crying...i don't think i can look at the blog anymore!!!

Anonymous said...

I want to go move to nica!


Anonymous said...

i have recently been doing some extensive research and i have found some very interesting facts about nicaragua. i have read about the fact that it is the only place in the world that you can find a little thing i like to call "freshwater sharks" that paticularly prey on the weak, small or mexican, but i dont know, that sounded like an odd combo to me? anybody? i also saw somewhere, i dont really remember of the top of my head, that their second largest source of food was sea urchins and that wherever you find a sea urchin a fws is sure to follow...good thing you guys didnt find any of those where you were swimming!
L. E. A.

alexandra said...

oh wow....
deja vu
my parents sent me and my sis to nica. to appreciate what we had in l.a.
IT WORKED...we stayed with our aunt and uncle who moved to nica. to serve in rural places where the need is great...
i nvr got so many hrs. of service and so many ppl listened even though i had horrible spanish