Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Service Stuff

Hey guys,

so we thought we would show you some photos and tell you some stuff from our hours ... many hours in service. The tract work is going really good we have the tracts in spanish english and miskito. We have almost worked the entire perimeter of the island and Danielle and I have memorized a short presentation in miskito. We will need to get it on video in the mean time here it is in written form.

Naksa - Hello

Nahki sma? - How are you?

Yang nini Lynette - My name is Lynette

Naha wauhkataya pain yaba sa - This is a special tract

Naha dukyam sa - This is yours

Baibil kam wal aisi kaiks - You can read it with your bible

tinki pali - Thank you

yu wala - See you another day

Pretty cool right? - ( that's not part of the presentation )

Our biggest service group since we have been here! We all had a great day!

Typical house in service

A little boy talking a bath while Danielle talked to his mom

Some kids reading the mags after we left them with the parents.

Danielle and I taking a rest on a rock. It was hot that day!

Well we wanted to upload more but I think that's all for tonight.... Love you all!


Anonymous said...

we miss you so mucho at the reuniones, but it looks that you two are having fun predicando.

-Lupita & Nancy

Video Teraveloka said...

Menang adalah Harga Mati, karena untuk bisa memiliki penghasilan setiap hari adalah kemenangan. Lalu bagaimana agar kamu dapat menang setiap hari bermodalkan handphone saja ? (Baca Selengkapnya Disini...)