Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pioneer School

So here we are : Our pioneer school class. What an amazing time we had! For around 10 of us it was our 2nd time but none the less wonderful! We had 6 special pioneers it was so nice to learn from them - what great hard working examples they are!

Some of our friends that we made in the class: on the far left is our wonderful Ibna and her crazy brother to the far right Reyner and there "adopted mom and dad" special pioneers Elmer and Zayda

We really did have alot of fun!

Reyner misbehaving in class

Although Chrissy was not in our class she still got to join us for service...even if it was in the rain

Our instructors los Teceros to the left, los Mercados to the right and special pioneers from Laguna de Perla George and Heather in the middle.

This sister was amazing, she could not read or write but she was a reg pioneer and gave great comments just from listening to everyone. A real faithful sister!

My table : David and Rakel Espinosa, special pioneers for 4 years in el Bluff and now reassigned to another cong.

The American girls

The last day the local hall came with a yummy surprise! What great memories from those amazing 2 weeks!!