My last post of the day will be about the beach. Isaac Laura Danielle and I went to the beach on saturday after a long week in service and it was sooo nice! check out the pics!
I love this pic of the 4 of us....just hanging out at the beach...
We have made a couple videos about our life here on the island so far....not to exciting but i'll post them anyways.
Hey Girls! It's so nice to be able to see your surroundings instead of picturing them in our head! It was a super idea to post a blog. We all miss you both but the pictures help with that! The beaches look amazing! Do you need a mirror or something for your walls? they looked so bare! We'd also enjoy to know what the inside of the kingdom hall looks like some time. We'd love to see all the pictures you can post, the videos were nice to (so we can be sure that your alive)!
Lots of love,
Sloans & Potters
Les queremos mucho. y les extranamos mucho. Cuando vienen de alla, traenos un coco.
-Familia Tellez/Garcia
Ernie pide por Uds. en sus oraciones.
and Alfonso likes your boots.
Menang adalah Harga Mati, karena untuk bisa memiliki penghasilan setiap hari adalah kemenangan. Lalu bagaimana agar kamu dapat menang setiap hari bermodalkan handphone saja ? (Baca Selengkapnya Disini...)
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